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Expand Your Borders

Discover Ten Cultural Clusters

This book provides a quick overview of the ten largest cultural clusters in the world: Nordic, Anglo, Germanic, Eastern Europe, Latin Europe, Latin America, Confucian Asia, Southern Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Arab. Use this as a quick way to improve your global perspective and refer back to it as a handbook.

Take a whirlwind tour through the ten largest cultural clusters in the world (Nordic, Anglo, Germanic, Eastern Europe, Latin Europe, Latin America, Confucian Asia, Southern Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Arab). You’ll see why dressing with too much bling could get you in trouble in Nordic Europe. You’ll learn the story behind chopsticks in Confucian Asia, and hear why Livermore needed his own nurse after surviving a serious dune buggy accident in Brazil.

EXPAND YOUR BORDERS provides a compilation of the most important information for improving your CQ Knowledge—your understanding of key cultural similarities and differences. Rather than rehashing the overused stereotypes of Indians versus Brits or Koreans vs. Brazilians, this book provides you with a macro comparison of the most significant cultural similarities and differences you’ll encounter as you travel across today’s multicultural environment—at home and abroad.

For each cultural cluster, you’ll learn an icon that symbolizes the cluster, read a brief overview, see the cultural dimensions that are most relevant, discover key differences that exist across the cluster, and get a few do’s and taboo’s for each cluster.Rooted in academic research and brought to life with stories and best practices, this is a book you can read once for a quick overview, and then return to as needed when preparing for an overseas trip or reflecting on a recent cross-cultural encounter. And as you learn about the ten cultural clusters, you can improve the quality and enjoyment of your cross-cultural travels, work, and relationships!

EXPAND YOUR BORDERS corresponds with feedback and scores provided on the CQ Assessment Reports available from the Cultural Intelligence Center.