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Observations from a Sunday afternoon walk around Accra, Ghana.

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I’m in Accra for a couple days. I’ve been here before but it’s been awhile. Here are just a few random observations from my afternoon walk around the city:

• My favorite business name is here: “All Things Are Possible Beauty Salon!”

• I was typically greeted with “You’re welcome”

• I only saw 1 other white person while on a 2 hour walk around the city (I know there are plenty–I just wasn’t in the expat zone).

• There are several large bank buildings

• I saw churches everywhere…and a couple mosques

• Sign in my hotel: “Fight child sex tourism!”

• Cell phones, cell phones, cell phones.

• Looks like lots of Chinese investment here.

• The Anglican compound is ocean-front.

• Most people are wearing “Western clothes” (jeans, t-shirts, etc. but there’s definitely some more traditional dress too)

• Almost all the shops are closed today (It’s Sunday)

And many more…Few things energize me like this!