CQ Fellows 2026 Applications Open Soon!

Blog, Personal CQ Reflections

Starting a New Chapter


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Eleven years ago, Linn Van Dyne and I decided to build an organization that would take cultural intelligence (CQ) beyond the realm of academics and into the real world of communities, organizations, and individuals. I never set out to be an entrepreneur, but I’ve been surprised how much I’ve enjoyed the challenge of building an organization and watching CQ become a movement supported by people from so many places around the world.

Eleven years later, I’ve decided to turn over the leadership of the Cultural Intelligence Center to others on our team who are better equipped to take us to the next level. I’ll continue to be an integral part of the organization as a strategic advisor, board member, and of course through continued speaking and writing about cultural intelligence. But I’m excited about how this leadership transition will allow us to take CQ even further in this next decade.

As others take on the organizational leadership responsibilities, I will be able to get back to the things I enjoy most—research, writing, speaking, and developing leaders. I have several ways I hope to do those things, including the release of my new book, Digital, Diverse & Divided. I’m putting together some in-person events to bring people together to talk about global leadership, innovation, and many of the other areas that interest me. And the added margin in my schedule will allow me to begin accepting more speaking invitations again.

I recently told our staff: “Building and leading the Cultural Intelligence Center has been the highlight of my professional career. I’m forever grateful for the ways each of you are taking CQ places I never would have imagined. I look forward to watching a new generation of leadership take the CQ Center into its next phase of growth and development.”

Cultural intelligence is larger than any one of us. But together, we can each use our gifts and passions to build a more culturally intelligent world.