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Digital, Diverse & Divided

How to Talk to Racists, Compete with Robots, and Overcome Polarization

Digital, Diverse & Divided is a book about how to get along with people who have different views than you about topics like politics, religion, gender, and race. Moving beyond awareness and dialogue, the book introduces readers to cultural intelligence as an evidence-based way to work together to address problems facing all of us.
Digital Diverse Divided

In a world of increasing polarization, Digital, Diverse & Divided shows you how to use cultural intelligence to bridge our divides and authentically connect with those around us.

The divides between us seem to keep growing, no matter the issue: politics, race, religion, gender identity, and the list goes on. Tackling polarization isn’t easy, but this book gives us tools to bridge our divides without forcing everyone to conform to the same thinking and behavior.

Cultural intelligence, a scientific model originally designed for working with people from different cultures, is ideally suited to bridge our differences closer to home. 

In Digital, Diverse & Divided, he teaches us how to use the method he has taught global executives and foreign diplomats to navigate difficult conversations with anyone.

Digital, Diverse & Divided combines groundbreaking research, riveting stories, and practical strategies that are proven to build a more culturally intelligent world for all of us. 

URGENT NEED: People are becoming increasingly divided, especially within the US. This book addresses the need to understand those on either side of the cultural divide.

 RESEARCH-BACKED: This title tackles tribalism by including concrete, research-backed strategies for bridging difference and building thriving communities.

Livermore uses his renowned work in cultural intelligence to address everyday challenges such as these:

Digitial, Diverse, and Divided is available for Purchase at the Following Retailers:
