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Global Youth Ministry

Reaching Adolescents Around the World

This book, edited together with Dr. Terry Linhart, convenes some of the most important Christian youth workers and researchers working with youth around the world.

The world of youth has captured the attention of governments, global corporations, and the church.

As adolescence and youth culture continue to develop throughout the world, Christian churches and organizations have responded in dramatic ways in recent years, sparking a growth of youth ministry initiatives worldwide.

This project, edited by Terry Linhart and David Livermore brings together some of the foremost voices in international youth ministry in one book.

The world’s youth population continues to grow and youth ministry has developed in equal fashion. As the church responds to youth in a particular culture, the need for training and higher education in the area of youth work also grows. The purpose of the book is to educate the reader on various theological, theoretical, sociocultural, and historical issues that shape ministry to youth in contexts around the world.

The book is written by 25 global leaders, most of whom are not from North America. They have extensive experience and expertise on global youth ministry and they’re recognized in their regions as prominent voices. The textbook is geared toward undergraduate and graduate-level education, youth ministry training institutes around the world, and for vocational youth ministry leaders who want to learn about global youth ministry.