One Spot Open for CQ Fellows 2025!

David Livermore


Category: Travel

Read about my thoughts and musings on topics ranging from education to government to entertainment, all flavored by the ideology of CQ. 

This is your Brain on Culture

In case you weren’t already convinced that cultural differences matter, brain research proves it. Culture shapes the wiring of our brains. Dr. Ying-Yi Hong did

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Is it a Bribe or a Tip?

Most people involved in international work are faced with the dilemma of what to do when “extra payment” is expected. A police officer pulls you

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No Worries Mate! (Maybe)

I spent the last couple weeks in Australia. I taught cultural intelligence in a variety of business, university, and non-profit contexts. I often find it

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Good intentions go ratty

A group of US study abroad students bought 100 mattresses for several families in a Delhi slum. Within 2 days, the mattresses were infested with

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The cost of bartering

I’ve done my share of bartering throughout my years of globetrotting. Often it takes place when I’m trying to negotiate with an international client or

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Reading Recommendations

Biographies, memoirs and novels are one of the most powerful ways to enhance cultural intelligence. Even if the culture in the book is very different

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