Now Accepting Applications for CQ Fellows 2025! 

David Livermore


Category: Blog

Read about my thoughts and musings on topics ranging from education to government to entertainment, all flavored by the ideology of CQ. 

The cost of bartering

I’ve done my share of bartering throughout my years of globetrotting. Often it takes place when I’m trying to negotiate with an international client or

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CQ for Public Speaking

Yesterday I observed the powerful role communication plays in earning trust in a particular sub-culture. Our university has a new provost. In a gathering of

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Reading Recommendations

Biographies, memoirs and novels are one of the most powerful ways to enhance cultural intelligence. Even if the culture in the book is very different

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The Big Mac Index

I’m a HUGE fan of eating local wherever I go, including grasshoppers in Mexico, snake in China, and pasties in Northern Michigan. But economists often

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Coming Soon

Discussion about cultural intelligence coming here soon. Meanwhile, visit

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